Monday, 21 July 2014

About | Tc

Im Very sure Tc has assured y'all an exclusive interview on our blog. Following the success of his recently released single "Love Me" We couldn't help but interview the young star! Read this exclusive interview and know stuff you never knew about Tc! And watch his twitter (@TcAnukam) he is giving away 12,000 worth of MTN Credit! Here we go!

-What is your Name?
Tochukwu Anukam.

-Your Stage/ Nickname?
Tc. But this is your interview. You should already know that tho.

-Why do you decide to your real name as your stage name?
Err I got the name Tc at a young age. It never left

-Date Of Birth?
14 January

-State of Origin?
IMO state Nigeria/ Delaware USA

-What do you do if you aren't making
Soccer, with my people, basketball and buying stuff.

-Is there any problem within the FBS family not really heard from them since?
No problem within FBS. Look forward to the Ole tournament in August.

-Contacts(number,email,Facebook Twitter,etc.)

-Who are your top 3 favourite teen artiste that you feel have great prospect and would be like the next TC
Lol the next Tc? There cannot be another Tc. But Shiz is good, Charles zilla and
young slim...

-Are you single??
Lol I'm not single, I'm double.

-So tell us about the lucky girl
She would prefer not being talked about I think.

-Tell us about your relationship with Tay
Tay is my homie! He's an amazing producer and more importantly a good person. He's the best producer in Nigeria to me.And also a great artist.

-If a random guy wants to work with you how much are we talking??
Lol I can't talk about this here

-What inspires you to make hits??
Well it guess I just make the kind of music I want to hear

-Tell us more about Zene: The TC Concert
It is happening. 31 July Sheraton. It would be amazing, trust me.

-Any mixtape?

-Are we expecting any thing new from 'TC'??
Just be watching #10daystillzene. Big things will happen in these few days.

-So if you move or something would we get anything from TC from time to time?
Of course I hope so

-What do you plan for the future? 
By the grace of God. I will be a civil engineer. Maybe own a label. Live a happy life.

Well! There you have it! Prepare for more singles from this young goon. And you really dont want to miss out on the concert so you must! I repeat you must be there!

1 comment:

  1. Nyiggaa ur stuff crazy man......keep it up!......AdDicT!!!
